12.6 - Dearest friend, Brother, Godfather to my son, and all-around waterman badass, Marcus Marcos, lost his battle with cancer. We are devastated. We will keep him alive in our hearts and minds...
12.8 - Celabrated with Sabrina at her CD showcase at The Venue. (photo: honolulupulse.com)
12.16 - How I ended up singing with The Posies at their show at Pipeline Cafe can be credited mostly to the invention of social media. We first made contact on Twitter, then they checked my Myspace music page, then there was a message on Facebook, which led us to email...eventually we all met up for practice at soundcheck...and there was a show. But I'm still trying to piece together how I made it through "Licenses To Hide"without fainting from excitement and nerves. All I can say is, The Posies rock. Thank you Ken, Jon, Matt & Darius for making me do it.
12.23 - Live at The Peace Cafe! One of my favorite spots for healthy home style eats hosted a candle-lit dinner + music. Hopefully we can make it a regular gig in 2011.
12.25 - Christmas number 1 for Seastien! He scored all the best loot, by far. This mini flannel from his Aunty Ruth is definitely one of my favorites. The picture doesn't do it justice though. He wouldn't sit still.
12.26 - Tyrone & Elina Wells + Kupa`aina jammed at the Venue for their annual Family Show. This is something I look forward to every holiday season.
Happy 2011 everyone. Peace, Kelli